July 8, 2020
Comet Neowise, officially designated C/2020 F3, is capturing the world’s attention with its stunning appearance in the night sky. It was discovered by NASA’s NEOWISE space telescope on March 27, 2020, has become a celestial spectacle for skywatchers around the globe. With its bright, visible tail and brilliant coma, Comet Neowise will grace our skies in the early hours of the morning throughout July. Its appearance marks a rare opportunity for both amateur and professional astronomers to observe a comet with the naked eye.
For those of you eager to witness this celestial spectacle, keep your gaze fixed on the eastern horizon to locate Venus, the most radiant point in the celestial tapestry :)
Now, shift your attention to the left, where the luminous star Capella graces the heavens. Just below Capella, you’ll find Neowise, a celestial visitor easily discernible without the aid of telescopes or binoculars.
Note that Neowise will become visible in the evening sky starting from July 12 onwards. Approximately an hour after sunset, direct your gaze towards the northwestern sky, and you’ll spot it nestled just beneath the constellation of the Big Dipper.
If you’re not using binoculars or small scopes, finding the comet will be even easier during the pre-dawn hours, around 4:30 AM, as the sky will be darker and provide better visibility.
Update July 14 - C/2020 F3 is also visible now at dusk. Took this one around 9:30 pm.